Not necessarily fastest, but hopefully neatest. Recursive problems can be generically converted to while loops to circumvent recursion limit.
x y z # values
i j k # corresponding indices
xs ys zs # lists of values
t # a target to aim for
w # the path to something
a # something we accumulate
f # a function used for recursion
n # a node in a tree or graph
b # a place to mark things we've already done
l # an input list
s # an input string
p # an input pattern
.v .l .r .n # the value, left, right, next of a node in a tree
.._prev # the previous of something
.._next # the next of something
.._new # a new version of something
from __future__ import annotations
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import cache # a lot of the `f(...)` below can be memoized
from itertools import count
from types import SimpleNamespace