
Avoiding npm hell with swc


Sometimes your janky ad-hoc JavaScript file reaches a complexity threshold where you wouldn't mind a bit of typing and a taste of some sweet sweet JSX sugar. You consider bringing in npm and friends, then shudder at the thought of the endless upgrade cycles and configuration cruft. Let's get to a halfway house using only the swc binary.

Working example repo.

Install swc

Remember to pick the correct architecture. All releases listed here, for some reason many of the releases don't have a binary file, pick one like this:

curl -L -o ~/bin/swc https://github.com/swc-project/swc/releases/download/v1.5.6/swc-darwin-arm64
chmod +x ~/bin/swc

Write a dumb-dumb's React

React is too complicated for our needs right now, let's just blat everything on the page on each render, forget fancy DOM diffing shenanigans.

Remember that:

const foo = <div class="foo">
    <input oninput={() => console.log("Oi!")}/>

Just gets compiled to:

const foo = React.createElement("div", {class: "foo"},
    React.createElement("b", null, "Hi!"),
    React.createElement("input", {oninput: ()=>console.log("Oi!")})

We can bring along whatever dumbass React.createElement(...) we want.

Write your application

Our application consists of two files:

In condesed form, index.tsx just looks like:

import { React } from "./not-react.js"

type Todo = { message: string, done: boolean}
const todos: Todo[] = [...]

const TodoListItem = (todo: Todo) => <li>
    {todo.done ? <s>{todo.message}</s> : todo.message}
    <input type="checkbox" checked={todo.done} onclick={() => {
        todo.done = !todo.done

const App = (todos: Todo[]) => <div>

const appEl = document.getElementById("app")
const render = () => {
    while (appEl.firstChild) appEl.removeChild(appEl.firstChild)

Simple enough huh?

Compile your .tsx files

We can just compile our files in place with:

~/bin/swc compile --config-file=static/.swcrc --out-dir=. static/**/*.tsx

Serve your app

Run python -m http.server, open localhost:8000/static, easy.