developers.Postgres docs for locking in general, advisory locks in specific.
Everyone should use postgres' advisory locks, they're great!
Why? What are they? Who cares?
With an advisory lock, you can get a lock on an arbitrary integer for the duration of a transaction. This is very useful as you can:
("SIGNUP-EMAIL", "foo@bar.com")
, thereby releasing the lock.
Let's implemement advisory locks in python
with SQLAlchemy
def acquire_advisory_lock(session: Session, *ids: Any) -> None:
# make an integer key
key_str = "-".join([str(id_) for id_ in ids])
key_bytes: bytes = key_str.encode("utf-8")
m = hashlib.sha256()
# pg_try_advisory_xact_lock is limited to an 8-byte signed integer
key = int.from_bytes(m.digest()[:8], byteorder="big", signed=True)
# get a lock on the db with the key
rows = session.execute(sql.select([func.pg_try_advisory_xact_lock(key)]))
locked = not next(rows)[0]
# if it is already locked by another transaction, raise an error
if locked:
raise AdvisoryLockNotAvailable(key)
logger.debug("Acquired lock on key: %s", key)
For good measure, here's an example of the kind of test one would write against said function:
def two_sessions(engine):
session_1 = sessionmaker(bind=engine)()
session_2 = sessionmaker(bind=engine)()
yield session_1, session_2
# make sure we're cleaned up
def test_acquire_advisory_lock(two_sessions):
session_1, session_2 = two_sessions
# lock with session_1
acquire_advisory_lock(session_1, 123)
# show that we can lock it again in the same session and it doesn't blow up
acquire_advisory_lock(session_1, 123)
# try and fail to lock with session_2
with pytest.raises(AdvisoryLockNotAvailable):
acquire_advisory_lock(session_2, 123)
# commit session_1
# now we should be able to acquire the lock with session_2
acquire_advisory_lock(session_2, 123)