
Pratt parser for a subset of JavaScript

This post presents a Pratt parser for a subset of JavaScript using TypeScript. It's very similar to the one used in dnjs.

This type of parser has become fairly popular due to the simplicity with which it handles things like operator precedence. In fact I'm part of a long lineage of bloggers - it's the "monad is a burrito" of parsing posts. I thought I'd bother writing up my attempt as I had a fun time writing it and was particularly happy with the brevity of the resulting code - I think this really exposes how lovely a parsing method it is. Thank you thank you Andy C for bringing it into my life.

The parser will turn the following source:

    "a": {"b": {"c": "d"}},
    "foo": (1 === 2)
        ? "bar"
        : 3 + 4 * 5

Into the following AST:

    (: "a" ({ (: "b" ({ (: "c" "d")))))
            (=== 1 2)
            (+ 3 (* 4 5)))))

Each S-expression is of the form:

(operator child child ...)

Here's le parsing code:

const source = '...'  // see above
const split = source.match(/{|}|:|,|\(|\)|===|:|\?|\+|\*|\d+|(?:"[^"]+")/g)

type Token = {
    type: string
    value: string

const tokens: Token[] = (split || []).map(value => ({
    type: value[0] === '"' ? "string" : value.match(/\d+/) ? "number" : value,

type Node_ = {
    token: Token
    children: Node_[]

const sexpr = (node: Node_): string => {
    if (node.token.type === "number" || node.token.type === "string")
        return node.token.value
    const args = node.children.map(sexpr).join(" ")
    return `(${node.token.type}${args.length ? ' ' : ''}${args})`

const infixPrecedences = {"===": 2, "+": 14, "*": 15, ":": 11, "?": 12}
let i = 0
const advance = () => i += 1

const parse = (precedence: number): Node_ => {
    const token = tokens[i]
    let node = {token, children: []}
    if (token.type === "number" || token.type === "string"){
    else if (token.type === "{") {
        while (tokens[i].type !== "}")
            tokens[i].type === "," ? advance() : node.children.push(parse(2))
    else if (token.type === "(") {
        node = parse(-1)
        advance()  // advance the ")"
    else {
        throw new Error(`must be atom or object, got: ${JSON.stringify(token)}`)
    if (i === tokens.length) return node
    return infix(precedence, node)

const infix = (precedence: number, left: Node_): Node_ => {
    const token = tokens[i]
    const nextPrecedence = infixPrecedences[token.type]
    if (nextPrecedence === undefined || precedence >= nextPrecedence) return left

    const children = [left, parse(nextPrecedence)]
    if (token.type === "?"){
        advance()  // advance the ":"
    return {token, children}
